Monday, April 25, 2016

To heck with that old saying

You know that old adage about absence makes the heart grow fonder!? I used to believe in it, but lately I am starting to think it is bogus.  Maybe absence just makes you sad...It all started Saturday when I wanted to hang with my sister at a super cool race and try to win some Maple Syrup...

First things first though, we totally need to live closer to each other.  My sister and I that is.  She ran a 10k race this past weekend and I wanted to go too. She did great too!  PR time and 9th out of 12 in her age group!.. I wanted to be there so badly, you know so the sisterhood could run together and celebrate together, but it didn't work out. Well, with the distance that separates our homes (101 miles to be exact I just "mapquested" it) joining her and making it to my son's soccer game Saturday morning was just not possible. So instead I awoke early and ran a training run 10k at the same time of day as her 10k race which I suppose is kind of cool and so we almost ran together... if only we had been in the same physical location that would've been so much cooler.  Instead it sucked because we were apart, running alone with some 100 plus miles separating us...At least my son scored two goals so it was a great game and I wouldn't have wanted to miss that.

Does any of this make sense?  What does this all mean?!?  It means we need to move closer together. duh!  No worries. We have a slick retirement plan that includes cohabitation so in good time this will be a non issue. In the meantime, I will leave you with these silly, yet entertaining sister-related graphics I found when I googled, "what to do if you miss your sister like crazy".

This was obviously the most relevant one! And it has cute kittens in it so we get bonus points for those, right?!  I think this picture alone will definitely boost this blog post!

Now I am not certain because I am not Mird, but I am fairly sure that she has made similar comments of this nature about me to other people along life's journey. Many times. In many places. A lot...
But the real joke is on her because I always say this in regards to our little sister situation:

So Mird, I still think you should move to Nunica soon because I miss you like crazy, but until then I will leave you with these kind words...

  I think it is safe to say we are not just flowers from the same garden, but we are in fact the same variety of flowers and possibly even identical, twin flowers, who dress and act similarly... you know if just such a thing exists.  I have no idea because I am just a marginal Biologist at best, not an incredible botanist like you!

Happy Monday! 
Love ya, Mird, great job at the race! You did awesome!!

PS the race gives maple syrup as a prize to the winners which unfortunately my training run did not suffice as a finisher time and even if it had I was WAY TO SLOW to get any of the sticky stuff.

Vern Out