Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Thankful for my sista

This Thanksgiving will be a tad sad because only half of the sisterhood will be represented at the Annual Pilgram's Prance at Coast Guard Park in Ferrysburg.  Mird was there last year, but this year Vern will be running and Mird, well Mird, is opting out... for more sleep I think.  Super lame.  Insert dramatic sigh.

Anyhow, Vern couldn't back out; she has to run clad as Sacajawea because last year, Praise the Lord, she actually won the 10k option of the dual 5k/10k event. Pretty sure there weren't many females runners for that one!  Anyhow, the Sacajawea costume is the fairly odd traveling trophy for the well known (for locals) event which offers no official prizes, but is also free to all and provides folks with an opportunity to burn off a lot of calories before consuming even more!  It is an honor to wear the costume, a real honor, and so wear it I shall!  Join me if you are looking for a Thanksgiving adventure of epic proportions! Here's the deets!

Thanksgiving Morning (like tomorrow)
8:00am )dont be late or you will be running alone)
Coast Guard Park
5k/10k Trail Runs
Free to all

PS  I am so very thankful for Mird!  She is the absolute best little sister a girl could ask for!

Vern out