Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Our favorite holiday

 If asked what holiday you think is the sister's favorite, you likely would guess Christmas because most people probably love Christmas best. There's just something magical about Christmas.  The odds would be overwhelmingly in your favor and yet you'd be wrong. Us sisters we have a totally different favorite holiday. A way cooler one...a greener one...and also a pretty wonderful backup favorite holiday to boot.

St Paddy's Day has held a special place in our hearts for many many years. We can attribute it on our mild Irish heritage (like 1/32nd or something ridiculous like that), but in reality we just love to drink green beer, eat Mird's fancy pudding shots (photo below), and watch people listening to Irish music and dancing a jig. Plus it is just so fun to say "Kiss me I'm Irish!"!  Anyhow, this year for our favorite holiday, we kept our Clare Irish Festival of Races tradition alive and well when we went ahead and finished the 5k race and dined on their world famous pancakes afterwards.  We did decide the food has gone downhill the past few years because they now serve fake orange juice and there is no coffee. Still the kids love the pancakes and it is fun to catch them on your plate after they fly through the air!  Here's the deets on this one.

2023 pancake catching at its finest. 
Only a few misses and those were other people not us!

Thank you Clare, MI for once again hosting an awesomesauce event for all!  GO GREEN!

    First of all, I am still somewhat injured (my soreness in my spectacular butt muscles just seem to be lingering forever and it is anything butt spectacular) and it was also sore back on March 16th which was also known as race day this year.  I also have three teenagers I am trying to keep alive at least until they turn 18 and no longer my responsibility. This seemed like no big deal when they were little and loved me the most.  However, when they became teenagers everything changed and now it is touch and go on the daily!  Anyhow, the point to all this is that it was a miracle I even managed to get away for a couple days let alone run an actual race;  I counted the fact that I crossed the finish line at Clare this year as a big "F"ing "W" for me!  And special thanks to Mark Daniels, I even got to be recognized as the 2nd place finisher in my age group! Mark decided to not run the 5k so he quickly handed me his bib and off I ran!  I had planned on being a bandit and just not getting an official finish time, but thanks to my hero, Mark, I got to be listed as 2nd place! I'm pretty sure the race director wasn't so amused as I explained my situation to him after the race and begged him to change me from the men's category over to the women's category, but he was a good sport and eventually it was fixed. Everyone else did awesome as well and got in a killer workout first thing in the morning.

The 2024 Favorite Holiday Crew

Giddy up let's go! 
Double rainbow on Saint Patrick's Day on our way home from the race. The camera really only captured one of the two, but I am pretty sure that a double rainbow on this particular day of the year is good luck!

Luck of the Irish even in the bathroom!

Love this poster 

The 3 amigas at the The Doherty Hotel post for run snacks and drinks! This is another long standing tradition of ours!

Oh and apparently bloody Marys are Irish. 
I am skeptical, but that's what the bartender told us so for the moment I am going to run with it.
Regardless, they were delicious and nutritious!

Just two short weeks later, the sisters were reunited and it was another great gathering this time with the boys, Easter festivities, a feast of epic proportions and an Easter morning 5K too!  

caution random topic change without much warning...

This is the picture that turned Easter into my 2nd most favorite holiday...I just can't believe how grown up our boys are and they were such good sports then entire Easter weekend. We did a scavenger hunt, egg hunt, decorated eggs and played games.  They also ate all the food we prepared without complaint which was impressive and we actually had some leftovers which was equally impressive with 3 teenage boys to feed!

Easter coffee and puzzling more proof it's a great back-up favorite holiday. Most importantly, Jesus died on the cross so that we might all have eternal life through Him.  That itself is worthy of favorite holiday status.  Eggs, scavenger hunts and food aside, Easter is an awesome day to be thankful and reflective and to spend time with those you love. He is risen! 

PS Oh I almost forgot about the picture of the pudding shots. Mird makes THE BEST one ever and they are even sugar free and we had them for the festivities in Clare.