Sunday, January 22, 2017

Kirby's Angels

Today the sisterhood went on another noteworthy running adventure... So even though it doesn't actually count for another new state accomplishment, I felt it would be prudent to share! Well what we did is we went ahead and completed our first ever Frostbite Marathon Relay in Holland Michigan with three awesome friends! Our team of Mird, Vern, Amy, Courtney and Kirby was better known as Kirby's Angels and we have the shirts to prove it!  Last night, we even had a traditional carb loading pasta dinner and figured out what the heck we were doing today!  Remember we do our best FUN when we FLY by the seat of our PANTS!

Now the "Frostbite Relay" name seems a bit inappropriate this year given that it was 60 degrees yesterday and nearly 50 today, but we had to "run" with it.  When it comes to weather, us runners have no control over what we get-- just a responsibility to suit up and run despite what Mother Nature dishes out. Today she took it easy on us. However, The Frostbite Marathon Relay has a serious reputation for dishing out some hard core, frostbite-inducing, crazy, winter weather running conditions over the years.  Today the frostbite factor was definitely off, but the jolly good time, sense of adventure and overall healthy/active living fun was absolutely off the charts--  AWESOME!

Collectively we ran the traditional marathon distance of 26.2 miles in the order of Amy, Mird, Vern, Kirby and Courtney!  The legs varied from 4.2 to 6 miles in length.  I ran a 6 miler followed by a 4.2 miler alongside Kirby.  I am sharing these statistical details not to bore you and put you to sleep, but in order to create a record of the race because I will not recall any of these details come tomorrow morning!  Did I mention I am forgetful!?

Us Angels flew along the marathon course in record time and Kirby held his own coming in several minutes ahead of schedule!  We ate chili, drank beer, shared war stories and goofed around for awhile post race. And then it was all over too fast as usual and we headed home to return to our lives of ridiculous responsibilities and a kitchen full of dirty dishes because apparently we are the only two people in the world who know how to load a damn dishwasher! 

Arguably I should've looked like this at the end of my eleven"ish" miles of running today...

"Why yes that is a sexy snowstache thanks for noticing!"

Instead I looked more like this...

Well except that I wasn't actually wearing a bikini. Oh and I look nothing like this babe. These are just minor details, but I was scantily dressed and I do have big jugs so I think it is a fair depiction of me!

While Mird looked like this at the start of the race...

 and she came in to the transition zone holding most of her clothes and claiming "you're going to be way to hot!"  And she was totally right, but I stripped a layer off and felt good the rest of the time...

And the best part of the race was, of course, the finish;  Kirby's Angels experienced an historic finish together in perfectly choreographed fashion looking roughly like this! Kirby had already crossed the finish line at this point so you won't find him in the picture!!

 Pasta Dinner Mug Shots!
 Don't mess with the best!  These are the shirts to prove it!

We will leave you with these wise words...

Mird and Vern Out


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