Sunday, January 22, 2023

Damn Yankees!

As I sit here writing this, I'm actually still surprised that I have another race to write about so soon after our Kirby's Angels adventures.  The line from Christmas Vacation "If I woke up with my head sewn to the carpet I wouldn't be more surprised than I am right now" keeps running through my head!  This adventure was 100 percent unplanned and yet absolutely perfect thereby reaffirming by belief that planning is over-rated and spontaneity is often unappreciated and unfairly seen in a negative light.

Background information is lengthy yet necessary so don't skip this paragraph, unless you've run with me in the past two weeks then you've probably heard this story and this paragraph is optional.  My Granny turned 90 this past Thursday. It was a big deal.  I guess anytime someone turns 90 it's a big deal, but she had polio as a child and was given a poor medical prognosis and told she'd never have kids so for her it's an even bigger deal.  Well she went on to have 7 kids, countless grandkids and a bunch of great grand kids and she had lived a very active and full life.  She was a single mom for much of her life, worked hard at a factory job, was a granny for the local school after she retired, and has always taken such good care of her family.  Love One Another. is our family mantra and it started with her father, was continued by her selflessness and nurturing personality and will continue on in all of us when she's no longer on this earth.  In short, Granny Groove is just the best most awesome granny I could ask for. And she gets her nickname because she has always loved to dance! In fact, she's likely responsible for my lifelong love of dancing!  When we asked her what she wanted to do for her 90th she quickly said, "go to the dance club!"  Recently, her health has not been great so the dance club was definitely out and we really didn't think there would be a party, but then earlier this week there was a family Facebook event created inviting everyone down to eat cake on Thursday or Saturday with Granny for her birthday. Two options. Two cakes. One awesome Granny to celebrate!  Well the 3 Michigander Smith siblings went back and forth all week trying to figure out if we could pull off a quick visit to wish Granny a happy birthday in person. I nearly mailed her gift about 70 million times this week thinking we definitely would not be making it, but kept delaying because I wanted to go so badly. Then on Thursday night we decided to just go for it. We each waited for one of us to back out and miraculously nobody ever canceled so we inexplicably found ourselves crammed inside Mird's Explorer giddy, somewhat disheveled, and headed south to eat cake and sing to Granny!

Now you might be asking yourself what does all this have to do with running; which is a fair question I might add so here's the connection. As we drove later into the night, we talked about many things unrelated to running and at some point our conversation shifted to running and then we started talking about trying to run a race in Arkansas since we were going to be there.  Of course I had scouted races (just in case) earlier in the month and knew there was a race about an hour and a half from Granny and somewhat on our way. We decided to sign up only to learn that registration had ended on Thursday. Well we are not quitters so I started calling the numbers on the race website and finally got ahold of someone who knew what I was talking about. I explained our crazy situation to them and pleaded for them to allow us to sign up and run the 7k at the time of the 50K race because we did after all have to get to the party asap and the 7k didn't start until 10am while the 50K started at 8 sharp!  The race director agreed to our terms of engagement and actually reopened online registration for like 5 minutes to give us an opportunity to put our money where our mouths were!  I took care of registering myself. Since Rebel was busy driving, I contemplated signing him up for the 50K as a non-binary runner just to be funny, but decided to keep it real and boring and just signed him up for the regular old 7K as a 40 year old male instead.  In a flash, we were running a 7k hardcore trail run in the Ozark mountains the very next morning! This girl was so happy!!!

The southbound trip. Arkansas or bust!

The detour to the race meant we got to take in the spectacular St Louis arch!  

And swing through the town of Licking, Missouri which seems weird to even write and also made us giggle for some reason.  
Once we were signed up for the race, spirits rose even higher which I honestly didn't think was possible because we were already flying pretty high on life not drugs people. We don't do drugs!  Next, we had to find a place to stay. While sleeping in our sleeping bags in the back of the Explorer on the side of the road was a viable backup plan, we were hoping to find an actual bed since we were going to be running in less than 12 hours and we now are old enough to feel the effects of such sleeping arrangements especially when we had to run up a huge mountain the next day!  The race lady had recommended the Norfolk Inn, but said it might be full since we were arriving so late (In our defense, it's hard to arrive early when you plan it last minute during a 10 hour car ride to your Granny's birthday party, but I do get her point).  I called hoping to get lucky and boy did we get lucky. We got the last room available and it had a king size bed--plenty of room for everyone!    
We haven't all snuggled and slept together in the same bed for at least a couple decades so this was just a real nice surprise!

When we hit the Arkansas state line, I'm pretty sure everyone back here in Michigan heard us cheering!!!  We soon found ourselves driving up a mountain trying to park our car on said mountain to get checked in to our hotel, praying our parking brakes held and Mird's car didn't end up in the bottom of the lake along with the town that's buried there (another story for another day but if you're curious Click Lake Norfolk now!)!

This was the race day weather. Not ideal, but I've definitely run in much worse weather. When we arrived we were greeted like celebrities. Everyone seemed to know about the 3 Michiganders and made us feel welcomed.  I also learned that the race director was also a GVSU graduate.  My brother, myself and the race director got a finish line photo together of the 3 Lakers!!  The Star Spangled Banner was probably the best one I've experienced at a race-and I've run a lot of races; It was a recorded rendition, played on a cell phone at maximum volume, and featured a prepubescent asian singer who really nailed the high notes! After she belted out the final note, the race director promptly said "thank you little Asian girl!"  We all saluted the small parade style American flag held by one of the racers near the starting line and got ourselves ready to run. Oh yeah nobody took their hats off because we were informed that,"you don't need to remove your hats for the national anthem both God and Country know how cold it is out here!"    The rest of the pre-race announcements were comical, informative, and overall entertaining.  The best lines were, "dont cross over the caution tape, unless you want to run the inaugural 50 mile race-- alone and by the way there are no awards for that" and "If you see an arrow, you should probably run where the arrow is pointing". An air horn sounded and we were off running our Arkansas race! I started out with my siblings and together we meandered through the beautiful mountain trail with all the other awesome runners (reminder everyone else was starting their 50K adventure) then at some point I said I gotta just go and off I shot. The trail was rocky, steep and went up and down roughly 50 times in the 5 miles we covered.  After I finished, I looped back and we all finished together for our official finish and finish line photo (3rd, 6th and 7th places in our age groups).  This was the first time Rebel accompanied us on one of our state adventures and we had so much fun we're already talking about where else we can go to run a super cool race together!    

Our favorite quotes from this race:
  • There's nothing normal about this trip
  • Gepp pronounced yip (it's a soft g) and it replaces the "bingo" giggles from our last trip
  • I'm having pretzels for dinner...I don't believe in gas station food
  • Luxury gas station salads often lead to "turkey trots"
  • How did we miss the Mississippi River???
  • Maybe we went around it!?!?
  • I love Burt's nuts
  • I'm the monkey in the middle (of the bed!)
  • These hillbillies are straight up crazy
  • I was just trying to get to my Granny's Birthday party! (this one was said at the race by my bro to all the race volunteers and fellow racers!!)
  • Is it Rocking Chair Resort or Wagon Wheel Resort??...I can never remember!
  • Damn yankees
ONE final history lesson. Back during the antebellum years, states where slavery was allowed were not allowed to enter the union unless there was a free state added as well to keep the balance between free and slave states and avoid a civil war. Obviously, we all know how that turned out, but regardless  Arkansas and Michigan were actually known as sister states and were both welcomed into the United States in 1836-37. It is neat because my mom and her siblings have always been split in half between the two states so we've spent our lives traveling to and from Arkansas to visit her family. It seemed so magical to be running through the woods with my sister in the sister state and through the Ozark mountains that I read about a long time ago in one of my favorite books, Where the Red Fern Grows which if you haven't read it click here!     

 The Smith Trio--at the Rocking Chair Resort. Oh and I suppose in this particular story, we are the "damn yankees".

David's Endurance Run 7K
Mountain Home, Arkansas
January 21, 2023
State Number 18

We did actually make it to Granny's 90th birthday party. Several family members we haven't seen in years showed up to hug her and wish her well. There was plenty of food, cake, coffee and beer. Plenty of everything!  We visited until we wore poor Granny out and then headed for home.  
Cousins picture 6 of the I don't know how many cousins with Granny 90 years young! It was so nice to catch up and hear what everyone has been up to and to see Granny's big smile. Her eyes lit up when I walked over to her and she said "Vern's here!!"
Four Smiths and a Groovy Granny. Gotta love that...

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