Sunday, May 13, 2018

And I would run...

500 miles and I would run 500 more  (and 500 more) just to be the gal who runs 1500 miles in 2018 (and falls down at your door (or on the side of the road) (or on the side of a trail))... 

You get the idea; I am going to be falling down after all this running!  So if you are under the age of 30, I think you'll need to google the song "I'm Gonna Be" by the Proclaimers and listen to it a few times so this song is stuck in your head too while you read this one. It will be super helpful and worthwhile. If you're old, then keep on reading, if you're young go do your homework and I will see you in a few!

All good?  Now lately I've been singing this song in my head a lot because my sisters talked me into attempting to run 1500 miles this year.  This is just a mere 150 more miles than last year, but these 150 extra miles may very well kill me! I wish I were kidding, but it seems to be true.  As I mentioned in my last post, I have been battling sciatica and trying to get my miles in so it's been a real struggle. I like setting goals and reaching them, so I need to reach this lofty one us sisters set up even if I have sciatica, and hydrocephalus, or even if I die. ..And I've learned a few things while battling this horrid condition. First of all, I thought I would just do a, b and c and voila I'd be back to my normal self running whenever I want and forever rid of sciatic pain. I thought I was on the "straight line" to recovery! What I've learned is recovery is anything but a straight line...

There were many moments like this as well which would leave me feeling crappy.  I mean being injured is bad enough, but when you sit and feel angry that other people are running that is really unhealthy and not good and I went there despite that I knew better... I still packed my little pitty party bag and had a few killer Pitty Parties.  It was U-G-L-Y, ugly!

I've also come to realize this is true... 
so I am badass which helps a little. Actually I am double badass because I've recovered from brain surgery some eleven years ago and now sciatica so I am a double BADASS!  You better watch out or I will kick your ass! Just kidding, I am not much of a fighter. Remember I am a peaceful Getter Alonger!

at least my house is still a wreck so I must not be that badly injured. If my house gets clean, you'll know the end is very near and you might want to stop by for a visit especially to see my house clean with your own eyes and of course to say your final farewells!

Anyhow the past couple of weeks I reached many milestones.  I ran my first double digit mileage run since February 17-a 10-mile run. A week later, I followed it up with a RASL (Run Around Spring Lake) which totaled 12-miles.  And last weekend I got really crazy and ran home from my son's soccer game (10 miles in the heat) and then a couple days ago I did a 10 mile run with a dear UP friend.  My recovery would have been impossible without my Grand Haven Run Club support so HUGE shout out to my running buddies! You are the BEST!

This recovery journey is far from over, but I do feel there is hope and I am determined to reach my goal for the year which is the Detroit Marathon October 20, 2018.  I will be there and run 26.2 of my 1500 miles then!  I am in a much better place today than I was a month ago and it has a lot to do with this final quote:

...and I would run 500 miles and I would run 500 more (and 500 more) just to be the gal who runs 1500 miles to fall down at your door...Proclaimers

Vern Out

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