Thursday, September 20, 2018

Marathon Training 4.2

Last fall Mird texted me inquiring about Detroit Marathon and if I'd ever be interested in running it...Doesn't she know that Marathon talk is best done in person, preferably with a beer in hand?!  Anyhow, I forgave her and immediately called her because it seemed super serious. I mean if she was actually contemplating running 26.2, a phone call was definitely warranted, necessary even...

After a lengthy conversation, we decided nothing, but it was an important discussion because it planted the seed.  Our talk covered how awesome the course is: In the first half, you actually run over the Ambassador Bridge (yes bring your passport!), through Windsor for a few fun miles and return to the good old U S of A through the tunnel; All this before heading out to beautiful Belle Isle and the surrounding area and returning to a finish line that looks like a legit parade route. It's truly is pretty awesome!

Here's an actual map for those who are visual learners!

I also had to tell her about the time I ran it spur of the moment in 2013; I was actually only supposed to run the 1st leg of a 5 person relay team. I was supposed to run about 7 miles total, but I was having so much fun, I just kept running--not unlike Forest Gump, I just felt like running so I did. I ran the entire damn marathon-26.2 miles.  It was a whole lotta running fun on the streets of Detroit and Windsor that day!

Anyhow, long story short (too late) some days later Mird txtd me asking, "what's your passport number?"  I responded with my number and voila we were both signed up for Motown Marathon! 

Back then, it all seemed so idealistic.  So perfect. Wouldn't it be so lovely to run a marathon together?  I imagined the finish line being something like this. You know without the track, but of course, with all the positive energy and pizazz?!

It would be absolutely delightful and joyous and we would certainly look amazing like this chick!

And then a few months ago reality set in. When we realized we had to start seriously increasing our mileage, or we were at risk of looking like this guy, the proverbial shit got real.

Honestly, we have no interest in repeating my 2013 lack of marathon training aka the "non-plan" or the "un-plan"". Even though it worked out okay back then, we want to do better this time. Plus as much as I hate to admit it, I am older now, so pulling off such a stunt might not work out so well.  So that's when things got a bit more interesting and serious.  We started running distances in the double digits. We started doing occasional speed work and strength exercises. We started running hills.  I suppose you could say we started loosely following training plans.  I named mine Marathon Training 4.2 since I will turn 42 during it and everything seems to be .something these days anyways. I'm just trying to keep up with the times, people!  Also like with recipes, I am unable to follow a training plan verbatim so my plan was fairly non-traditional and completely unorthodox and I like to think cutting edge!

Oh and Me, well I also started going to physical therapy for various aches and pains because I am the old lady of our group and this training started to kick my butt! Literally, my butt muscles are what landed me in PT! Therapy seems to be working though.  I feel strong today and ready for race day!

Funny thing... I recently shared the impromptu running of the 2013 Detroit Marathon story with my Physical Therapist. He had never heard of someone just running a marathon without planning on it and some sort of training.  He said it is generally not a good idea.  That made me feel pretty bad ass, and slightly stupid, but mostly bad ass.  In all seriousness though, I feel like the training, exercises and therapy are working because each long run has been a pleasant surprise. I haven't hit the notorious wall....

Yes, I feel ready for October 21st. I believe marathon training 4.2 has served me well...

But first, we are headed to Maryland this weekend for a trail half marathon birthday adventure.  This is our long run for this week.  Assuming we survive the half, next stop MOTOWN!

Vern and Mird Out


  1. Marathon training require an amazing pair of shoes to keep going. Loved the read.

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    1. Nick I have an amazing pair of Saucony shoes for Detroit. If you’re a shoe salesman and wish to donate a couple pairs of shoes to the Sisters, we would love to try them out and blog about our experience, but maybe for our next run, I am committed to the pair I have for Motown especially since we are a week away! Thanks for reading our blog and responding. It’s always nice to hear from our peeps!
