Saturday, September 8, 2018

Olden days

Okay this one is kind of a big deal so get ready for some earth shattering news.  I ordered a Smart Phone!?!* 
Just like in the olden days when Rebel and I would talk Mird into trying things out for us, I let her try life with one for about a month to see how she fared. Then I bit the bullet and had her husband order me an identical model because he is technologically advanced, (perhaps even a genius), while I am technologically a complete disaster and a flunkie on most things involving technology.  So now Mird and I are twinsies in the cell phone department. Or at least we were about to be!... I received the phone about a week ago and left it on the charger all week because I was honestly kinda scared of it.  Bring on a mean old Rottweiler, or a 20-mile training run and I will take them down, but a smart phone that is way scarier to this lady.

So smart phone twinsies I thought would be fun...Yesterday I finally took my phone in to have it activated at Verizon and learned that my upgraded phone is too old which my 12 year old thinks is hysterical.  As of September 1 (like a week ago) Verizon will no longer activate an Iphone5.  If this isn't hilarious and ironic I don't know what is.  There was a bunch more to this story, but the bottom line is I truly believe the universe is trying to tell me I don't need a smart phone after all of this.

Vern Marisa and Mird after conquering the Brainy Day Trail 5 & 10K 
August 11, 2018

So anyhow I am still operating on my slide phone and we still lack internet at our house (think Dark Ages people).  However, I did complete my 20-mile training run this morning and it went well so I am still happy.

PS I guess the lesson learned here is that I have to stop using Mird as a Guinea Pig/Tester with new things like smart phones and creek crossings.  Also if you want to hear the long version of this story you'll have to get up super early and do a long run with me.

Vern Out

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