Tuesday, December 11, 2018

We're going streaking!!

When I hear the words, "we're going streaking!", I'm immediately transported to the scene in Old School where Will Ferrell is going streaking and I laugh out loud so that just happened!  Now truth be told, I've already been streaking!  For like 20 days!! It's true on Thanksgiving I started streaking and I've been streaking ever since!  And Lord willing I'll be streaking all the way up to New Year's Day!

Don't worry though, I'm not running around naked because that would just be weird, or ugly, or both! No, I'm just running consecutive days for the entire holiday season with a self imposed 2-mile minimum!  It's a challenge my run club created to help keep us motivated this holiday season.  I'm participating in the name of the Lord. All praise be to Him because he's kept me healthy enough to try this! Anyhow, here's what streaking has led to...so far....for me....

1.  Lots of running with friends near and far
2.  Countless sore muscles
3.  Fatigue and general exhaustion
4.  Increased awesomeness (Can you really ever have too much awesomeness?)
5.  Life lessons and gentle reminders (see below)

I've already learned this, but I'm amid a refresher course on the subject matter of Challenges:
 This streaking gig is definitely challenging me at a time when I needed it. I'm absolutely convinced a marathonover is a very real thing (It's like a hangover only from a marathon, not a night out overindulging and it's intense). A marathonover is the  period of time when the initial excitement of completing the marathon wears off and you're left wondering what the hell you should be doing now?! Seriously the marathon was awesome, but it left a HUGE void in my life when it was over. As a result of a marathonover, most people either sign up for another crazy race, sit around eating cookies, go for a long run, drink too much, or schedule a counseling appointment. Hell, maybe you go a bit overboard like me and do a combination of a few of these.   In October, I ran the Detroit Marathon and I have been feeling a bit marathonoverish  since early November.  Then this streaking challenge presented itself. And voila, I have a renewed mission and a clear purpose once again!!! I'm excited for this transformation, but it's already a victory for this lady! That said, I'm pretty competitive with myself so it is unlikely that I will not complete this streaking gig...I'd probably have to be dead, or comatose. Oh shoot, I probably just jinxed myself!

 Regardless of the streaking challenge, I do this all the time, but now I finally have a really good excuse to run away from my problems!  I've got to keep the streak alive!!! I'm over half way now which feels amazing BTW! AHHHMAZING!

I'm reminded of this each time I get a headache, and when my shunt works over time and I'm left listening to fluid draining inside my brain I'm reminded then as well. I realize, my life could look a lot differently than it does.  For many with hydrocephalus running marathons isn't an option and a life spent in and out of the hospital is their reality. I get it. I'm the lucky one. Running is a special gift. It's a privilege--A really big one at that and I am thankful for it each time I lace up my shoes. Run on friends!

I'm counting on this continuing to be true because my body is tired and sore and I'm pretty exhausted. By the way, I signed up for this streak and literally woke up the next day with a nasty cold Jeff shared with me. I'm all about sharing, but I would've been okay if he'd kept that one to himself.   I powered through the cough and cold without missing a day. So yep, while the hubs was busy whining about his cold and lounging on the couch, I was busy logging miles and perfecting my Farmer's Blow Technique.  I know, I'm pretty much awesome which honestly we already knew, but affirmation is always good.

  I guess it all boils down to this:
I just noticed a typo on this one. Man, I hate typos... I'm part of the certified grammar police...Past it. I look past it, not pass it....anyhow I am a distance runner and I do love to run.  
The end.

Happy Holidays
God Bless
Vern Out