Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Question of the day...

No. We're not running today.  Well, at least I'm not running, maybe, Mird is, but I'm not! 
Yes the streak is ending today. I'm not lacing up and hitting the trails. Nor did I drag myself out of bed in the 5 o'clock hour to join the YMCA group this morning. I'm just not going to run today. I might even do absolutely nothing. I might be LAZY and spend some quality time with our couch! After 50 days of running consecutively, I'm ready for the rest. This experience has provided me with a whole new level of respect for people like Scott DeYoung who ran for entire years in a row...every. For hundreds of days.  If I tried to pull that off, I'm pretty sure my body would revolt and I'd end up injured or dead. I feel good about 50. It's a nice even number. It's significant.  I'm good.

I'll leave you all with some pictures that capture the essence of streaking.

Honestly, I never thought I'd run this many days in a row. Some of my miles this past week were hard miles too, not just easy road miles. For instance, I ran icy Coast Guard Park miles on Sunday. And followed that up with solo rainy cold hilly miles on the Brainy Day Trail two days later. I ran them despite the difficulty level! Several times I thought I couldn't keep going, but I did. I just kept running--Streaking! Being Strong!

I also found this and thought it is definitely relevant. There is even mention of the dreaded "rest day". Check it out!

And also the more I think about it, I do actually want to go for a run despite the fact that I can barely move because I'm sore and exhausted. However, this would need to be true first and my kids would have to have a nanny...

And I'm really hoping this doesn't become my reality today!

but if it does, I still think I can beat them. Unless it's bad ass runner cops who are chasing me, then I'm screwed and please bail me out if I call ya.

With the streak ending I worry some people will be disappointed or upset that I stopped. Wait, not really, I guess in the end this is how I feel about the streak ending...

Vern Out 
actually Vern In sitting on my couch!

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