Sunday, October 18, 2020

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Air Force One!

Like superman, I've decided to be brave today.  Please be respectful, as I'm going to talk politics.  A little background to get us started. I've been dragging stray dogs home my entire life. I hand dollars to the homeless, donate used stuff to Love Inc, take meals to friends in need and I volunteer in all forms and fashions. I'm a generous giver and a getter alonger. I don't like conflict so writing this is very much out of my comfort zone. But I'm channeling my inner superwoman powers and I'm sharing my thoughts because after yesterday I feel compelled to do so.  

Everyone who knows me, knows I'm a bleeding heart, a softie, and a person who believes in the good of humanity. Possibly to a fault. This year has been challenging. You all know this and it challenges everyone differently. But here's the big shocker in all of this for me. This year has challenged my political views. Yes, I've gone from consistently voting for Democrats, to realizing I'm voting Republican for the first time in my life for a candidate I don't even particularly like!  I knew 2020 was crazy when they canceled March Madness, but this recent voting epiphany has left me sleepless many nights. So I've been trying to put thoughts into words to articulate this recent development.  To explain this madness. Mostly I just feel nervous for our country's future, anxious about sharing my thoughts, and I'm feeling extremely unsettled. USA, USA, USA!

Wise words from JFK...

Just so you understand where I'm coming from, I've never really gotten into politics. I Just never really cared that much.  I honestly think politicians are dishonest, overpaid, spoiled brats, and they typically never accomplish much so I've never really cared that much about politics.  My entire life I've basically steered clear of all things political, never feeling strongly about any particular candidate or outcome. Except the library mileage vote, the new local bike path, and some of the local races those I've cared about deeply and volunteered for these causes and people. And I've always, always, always, voted Democrat in the presidential election because I tend to align more with their views and values.  In 2016, Hilary really made me think twice, but I just couldn't vote for Trump because he was so repulsive to me. At the time, I was certain that the next election there would be a better Democratic candidate and I'd feel better about my vote. Boy was I wrong!  Along comes 2020 and it's way worse than 2016! We all know things have gotten really weird this year and interesting (in the bad way). While I really feel like saying I quit on this damn election because the options are so truly horrible and completely opposite, I just can't bring myself to do that because I still hear my government teacher, Mr. Bultman, sternly saying, "You've got to vote, it's your duty as an American!" stuck in my head from way back in 1994. 

This one made me laugh!

Seriously God has quite a sense of humor. Four years ago I said right out loud, with a large live audience, "I swear I will never  vote for Trump. Never. He's such a total jerk." And now I am doing what I swore I'd never do. I'm voting for Trump! I guess I'm eating some crow this year, but the alternative is just so completely wrong for our country. I feel I have no choice.  It's worse than Trump which I didn't think was possible four years ago. I stand corrected.

And don't take this to mean my opinion of Trump has changed drastically. It hasn't. I still find much of what he says to be disturbing and inappropriate.  I still often wonder why he speaks the way he does?? Not even the yard sign  displayed near our mailbox means I am a "Trump fan", but he will get my vote. I still think he's mostly a jerk, but honestly so is Joe.  He just pretends to be nice, while Trump is openly a jerk.  I'm not sure which is worse, but I'm leaning towards pretending because I don't like people who are insincere hypocrites. Check this out...
this came in my mailbox the other day. Joe's not so squeaky clean as they try to paint him. He lies.  He cheats. 

I just completed a constitutional law class the timing of which I can only label as divine intervention. It was eye opening to read of past cases and the history of the constitution and its creation. I believe in popular sovereignty (the government only gets the power the people vote to give it) and I believe in limited government (The government only has the power its people vote to give it). Our government already mismanages so much, why would we give them any more power than they already have?  I believe in the statement, "of the people, by the people, for the people" and as much of a jerk as Trump is, as many stupid things as he says and does, Trump still believes in these principles too. He believes in less government and he's willing to fight for this belief, not roll over and do what other people tell him to do. We all know Trump doesn't do anything just because someone tells him to do it. Trump believes in and will fight for:  Less regulations. Less mandates. Less taxes. Less government interference. And sometimes less really is more.  
The alternative, not so much. Today's Democrats believe in big government and in less power to the people. They believe in more regulations, more mandates, and more government interference.  Biden and Harris are life long politicians who collectively are on the radical left of our political system. Joe is a follower, not a leader. He follows Harris's lead and that is a frightening reality. They're really just a small step away from socialism and a short run away from communism and that my friends is not a good thing. It is not what America was intended to be. 

In the craziness of 2020, we must remember this election is not a popularity contest, or a high school prom vote. It's not about who is the nicest, or best looking, or who can say the right things.  This election is a much bigger deal than any of that.  It's bigger than Democrat or Republican.  Bigger than Trump or Biden.  This election will determine the course of our country.  It will determine if we remain a democratic republic ruled by the people, or if we turn more power over to politicians in Washington and watch them destroy what our Founding Fathers built. 

The Democrats are trying to paint Joe as the nice guy.  The honest guy.  The guy who says the right things, but truly he's not any more honest than Trump. He's, "not my cup of Joe" which was the best yard sign I've seen this time around! Not my cup of Joe.

And while Trump is a total jerk on a personal level and he says totally off the wall things, he is the best option of the choices we've been handed.  He's the best choice for America. That's what counts. He's the best option of the two we've been given. If you fact check what Trump said he would do four years ago, for the most part he kept his word and had the economy booming the best that it has been in years BC  (Before Covid).  He's been running America differently than ever before, like a business. Trump is surely rough around the edges, but he does put America first and he believes in law and order. As a former Kent County Deputy this is important.  Trump supports the the thin blue line and so do I. God bless our first responders, military, police and fire fighters. 
Yesterday, I found myself at the most unlikely of places, volunteering at the Trump Rally. Here's what I took away from the experience.  Airforce One is impressive.  After all these years, Ted Nugent, is still cool; He totally rocked the National Anthem. Republicans can actually have fun. Trump is capable of connecting with people, relating to them and being charismatic and likeable. For the first time, I saw this side of him at the rally. Now, he is also capable of being a total idiot, and an a-hole.  I guess you  call that balance.         

                                                It's a bird. It's a plane. It's Air Force One!

Diane is the one responsible for recruiting me to volunteer! It was an enjoyable experience. It was revolutionary. She's an amazing, energetic, die-hard, Republican and even back when I was a democratic voter, we were still friends because we are both mature adults and we realize politics is just one facet of life, not an end all beat all! Be cool like us and respect your friends who see things differently. Appreciate them for challenging your viewpoints and be open-minded to learn from them!

I got a Trump Volunteer Pass and super important Secret Service people asked me questions about the food area because I was the Food Bouncer!  The music was great and I danced a lot. Overall, it was pretty awesome although I was exhausted at the end! 

So what does all this mean?  Here's what I think. Be open-minded and respectful. Try new things. Be patriotic. Think for yourself. Consider the other person's views and feeling when you speak. And whatever you do, come November 3, make sure you get out and vote! USA, USA, USA!

Vern out

PS these are my views alone... Mird had no involvement in the creation of this edition of our blog.  

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