Wednesday, December 2, 2020

I'm going streaking (again!!)

It's scary and it's true. I'm going streaking!!!!!!

 Picture the naked Will Ferrell in Old School screaming and running down the street screaming "we're going streaking" and you'll probably laugh. It's damn near impossible not to.  If you just really need to see it click here... Streaking

So it's that time of year again...Streaking Season!!  I will spare everyone from seeing my naked ass running down the road because that wouldn't be pretty. It'd be scary actually.  Instead I will go ahead and just streak in my normal fashion and that is to say I will run every damn day from Thanksgiving to New Year's Day. Every. Damn. Day. I always kick it off in the North Ottawa Dunes (aka Coast Guard Park) with a nice 6 miler Thanksgiving morning and then I typically segway into a series of crazy, unorthodox, sometimes embarrassing, runs for the next several weeks.  It's simply what I do this time of year! Jeff goes hunting, I go streaking. It works for us!

It's already getting interesting too. And honestly it's a  little early for it to be getting so interesting... Yesterday, I was supposed to go running in the wee hours of the morning, but instead I rolled over and went back to sleep.  I was just really tired and didn't feel like running which hardly ever happens to me especially this early in the streak tradition.  Then after school, due to a miscommunication of epic proportions, I found myself (and AJ) running down the Brainy Day trail wearing not one, but two jackets, because I thought my son and I were going walking and he thought we were going running. Well obviously, I prefer to run so I tried it out despite my many layers of clothing. Then I actually did strip (down to my t-shirt layer) and finished the run scantily dressed.  It was cool from my perspective, but I am pretty sure AJ disagrees. We'll see what tomorrow brings, but I don't plan to hit snooze again. It's a lot easier to go running really early before your brain knows you're awake.

This one is dedicated to all the Early Bird Runners out there; the crazy people who drag their bodies out of bed at ridiculous times of the day to run even more ridiculous distances, paces and races. Oh and if you're really crazy, triathletes, they go swimming at these times!

Vern Out

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