Wednesday, March 21, 2018

March Madness: The tradition continues sort of...

Each year the March madness craze sweeps our country and leads to all kinds of crazy, mad stuff-the least of which is not our St Patty's Day Race tradition . Well, I am here to share the latest edition of the absurdity; So buckle up, if the past few weeks is any indication, it may be a bumpy ride!
Now when I think of madness I generally picture the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland.  Not sure why, but I just do.  Come to think of it, it's probably the result of some deeply rooted childhood memory involving a VCR rented from Rite-Aid and repeated viewings of the original Alice in Wonderland--A movie which we most certainly rented enough times to buy a new car. Nobody knows for sure, but I do know this our St Patty's Day adventure this year was M-A-D mad! It was our very own little March Madness!

This year,  not unlike the Mad Hatter,  I hurriedly packed up in a frazzled, disorganized and nonsensical manner and headed east for St Patty's Day. This was mostly because I wasn't sure I was going until the last minute and partly because I am somewhat frazzled, disorganized and mad!  It was such a mad packing adventure, I forgot my green running tights (for a St Patty's Day run I actually arrived with no green clothes! None) which inspired Mird to loan me her leprechaun costume!

This year was somewhat historical in that our son was the only one who joined me. I usually have an entire litter of children along for the adventure. It was super fun to have one-on-one time together, even if it was just to hit the Taco Bell drive thru, listen to the madness of sports radio, deliver a few plants to my brother and surprise Grandma with a visit. He got lots of time with his two boy cousins so I'd say the experiment was an overwheling success!

Each St Patty's Day has its own sizzle and excitement, but one thing remains constant-the pancakes gracefully flying through the air and hopefully landing safely atop our flimsy paper plates (post race) and of course green  beer! We've done all sorts of crazy things over the years, but this year we kept it simple; I ran the 5K and Mird the 10K.

Just saying "I ran the 5k" out loud sounds crazy, outrageous, perhaps even mad. Seriously, I-- the gal who prefers the half marathon distance-- if at all possible on a rugged trail-- or heck blazing my very own trail-- ran a regular old, run of the mill, 5k, road race-- and the kicker in it all, what made it truly mad, was that I was tickled pink to do so!  You see, I am amidst the recovery of my first injury that temporarily sidelined me from all things running (11 days without running was pure torture). It got U-G-L-Y,  UGLY.  So I was PUMPED to be running at all and my Physical Therapist recommended downgrading from the 10k to the 5k so for the first time ever, I actually ran less that I had planned to run.  The entire injury experience was then, and continues to be, very maddening.

Going into the race I was wobbly; I was unsure what to expect. After eleven days of rest, would I even be able to run three miles?  Would the screaming sciatic pain return to my right leg? Would I finish, upright?  Was I making a mistake? Had I finally gone MAD?  I was so uncertain, but I vowed to take it easy and roll with it.

I think it went pretty well. I had some pain in my butt, but no sharp pain running down my leg. I ran the entire race, but didn't "race" any of it.  I took in the view which at the back of the race is a bit different than when you are all business trying to PR. It was a humbling experience and it made me appreciate the gift that running is even more. I saw people who have prosthetic limbs, people who are very overweight, moms and dad pushing strollers with babies and toddlers. Bottom line I saw many people with much bigger obtacles than my sore butt.  Everyone finished strong; In the end, Mird and Courtney PRd (awesome job ladies) and our friend Marissa won the women's 10k (holy sh*t she is so fast)  which of course was exciting, fun and a titch mad.  Mark and Glen walked the 5K which was awesome baby and a few of our other friends were stroller pushers themselves!  We all caught our pancakes when they were thrown, headed over to kiss a donkey and then drank enough green beer to make us wonder if we would poop green come March 18th!  It truly was madness!

March Madness in Clare, MI
the tradition lives on...

Madness is Kissing an ass...on purpose! 

Madness is hugging a leprechaun and dressing up like one too!

Madness is the Sisterhood's March Adventure 2018!
Clare Michigan Irish Festival of Races


Oh and madness is definitely getting dropped off two miles from home 
so you can log a couple cool down miles with your friends.

I will leave you with these these final mad concluding words:

"He can't drive, he hasn't been drinking!" March 17, 2018 author unknown
"Don't call me irrational, you know that drives me crazy!"  Niles from Frazier!

The one thing I've learned this March is that nothing is more maddening to a runner than being injured.  I pray for continued improvement to my sciatic nerve/Piriformis muscle so that I can remain sane and healthy!

Vern out

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