Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Let's talk shingles

So this post is a bit unexpected even to us sistas, but we believe in keeping our followers informed  so here goes nothing!

To clarify, I am talking about the **shingles for which old people get vaccinated, not the kind you put on your roof. This is true for many reasons that will become apparent, but also because we have no roofing experience.  Oh and one more thing, despite the reputation of shingles being an old person's disease neither of us is old.  My first experience with the shingles virus was some five plus years ago when Hazel contracted it as a then 2 year old. It was fairly uncommon for a youngster to have it so it was a lengthy diagnosis process and because the shingles were all over the left side of her face, she looked like she had leprosy or some equally debilitating ailment while we sorted through the diagnosis process. That experience really sucked.  It wasn't pretty, but I did learn a fair amount about shingles during it.  So fast forward to yesterday when Mird and I are chatting on an actual landline telephone (okay maybe I am old!) and we get talking about both having rashes (okay talking about rashes on the phone maybe we are both old!) and I made the off hand comment, "I hope you don't have shingles because that sounds like shingles"...

And later on I get a text from Mird that reads, "you should be a DR. I have shingles. lol!"  So I am thinking I missed my calling in life and I've been dreaming about what my life would look like if I were Vern Constantine MD.  Oh and I am also hoping Mird isn't too miserable because we are supposed to hang out tomorrow for a couple days... and I do hate to think of her being miserable... and I have heard that shingles can be miserable.

I was going to share a picture of the shingles virus, but they are all too disturbing so  I will spare you that experience and just share an awesome picture of us sisters at a race in Boston on my birthday when we were both rash free!!  To read that awesome adventure click Boston

 Meanwhile, I was also correct in my self diagnosis of Poison Ivy so  I am in fact miserable and trying to not scratch my arms off. 

Poison Ivy

The picture above for reference so you can avoid feeling like I do right now because it is horrible.

So that is it for now. I did run this morning, despite my itchy situation.  With any lucky we will both be back to "normal" soon.

**Shingles is caused by the varicella zoster virus (VZV), the same virus that causes chickenpox. After a person recovers from chickenpox, the virus stays dormant (inactive) in the body. Scientists aren’t sure why the virus can reactivate years later, causing shingles.

PS Mird I hope you are resting comfortably and able to head to Fremont tomorrow!  xoxo

Vern Out

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