Tuesday, July 17, 2018

A rash of good luck

I am sitting here drinking coffee and waiting for the Doctor to call back with a solution to the fact that my poison ivy just keeps spreading...

Over the course of three days, I am supposed to run roughly 30 miles starting this Friday so I kinda need to get this shit under control! You know I am not a big medical intervention type of person. Neither is Mird.  It was instilled in us at an early age that you don't go to the doctor or take medicine unless you are really, really ill (mainly because we didn't have health insurance, but whatevs). I do believe people nowadays just want a pill to fix things and there are too many damn pills in general but that is a long detour that I best not take right now.  Anyhow the point is, I don't take pills very often;  I had three kids without so much as an aspirin for the pain and remember I had brain surgery too and for the most part avoided pain killers during that as well. But this poison ivy is kicking my ass.  It just keeps spreading and I swear I am not itching it.  I will gladly take any pill they give me to get rid of it.  It doesn't hurt, it just itches like crazy and I think it is spreading because it is on my arms and they naturally touch things throughout the day and then voila I wake up with more poison ivy the next day...

How I feel about basically everyone...

 And my lousy attempt at keeping a sense of humor about my situation!

and I have finally found something that is better in its virtual form...

PS on a positive note Mird's shingles are healing up quickly so she is off at some convention somewhere in Ohio!  

Vern Out

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