Sunday, January 20, 2019

Kirby's Angel version 3.0

It's not too often you can say your best decision at a race was taking your pants off, but that was definitely the case for the sisters at our 3rd Annual Frostbite Marathon Relay this year! Yes, Mird and I both took our pants off during today's race!

Despite the fact that the thermometer looked like this on race morning, we were both definitely overdressed and had to perform the all too risky maneuver of undressing along the race course!  Ow Ow...  Take it off ladies!                                                         

My second best decision at the race today was serving as a pioneer along side Marisa into the wilderness that is the men's restroom.  The men's restroom was nearly unoccupied while many female runners waited in line for ridiculous amounts of time for the women's restroom.  While they waited, we quietly snuck in to the men's room, took care of business and headed to the starting line before the women's line even moved. I don't have a picture of that moment in the bathroom because I think it's illegal, but it was pretty awesome being in and out of the bathroom in less time than I spent doing my hair this morning! Oh wait, I didn't do my hair.  Oh well, I guess it still applies to the situation.

My wicked undressing skillz were on display in Holland this weekend!  I realize my pants probably weigh less than a pound, but they felt heavy, bulky and dragged me down.  Once I stripped, my pace improved significantly and more importantly my spirit was lifted!  It was a small miracle on this frigid wintry run!

My kids have a theory that I know every runner in West Michigan. Whenever we see a runner, they always ask, "Do you know that one, Mom?"  Well turns out they're not too far off. I do know a whole lotta runners in Ottawa County so when I decided to strip my running friend, Mary, happened to be passing by and recognized me so she captured the whole thing in a series of photos!  It was also super fun to see so many of my friends from Grand Haven Running Club (GHRC) at Frostbite. Totally added to the overall quality of the experience!  The best part was when Brian (the guy who introduced me to GHRC some eight years ago) chased me down and pushed me to an overall pace of 8:52!

There's also a baton competition at Frostbite Marathon Relay with the coveted prize of reserved seating at the restaurant for the after party and since we've never actually sat at a table in the heated portion of the restaurant because it's too crowded, we decided to compete this year.  We learned some interesting baton wisdom from this experience.  The more disturbing, ridiculous and perverted the baton your team creates, the better your chances of winning.  We lost. I guess we're not perverted enough...said no one ever! Check it out!  Our baton in all its glory!

 If this van is rockin' don't come knockin' 
Also...who's driving this high performance machine?
(not pictured Marisa and Amy. They were busy running!)

My favorite frosty Frostbite picture from the day...
snowstache included!
Marisa and I also known as Kirby's Angels Two!

While the photos don't necessary support this statement, we did actually do some running. We didn't just goof around all day! Especially Marisa who ran super fast and had us in second place when I took over running for our two-man team!  It was pretty awesome being in the lead pack, if even for just a brief time!  Not even the people passing me could ruin that fun experience!  Everyone kicked ass, obviously and both teams finished in record time less than four hours!

Marisa, Kirby, AJ, Vern, Courtney (back row)
Amy and Mird (front row)
Kirby's Angels and Kirby's Angels Two 2019 Teams!

Vern Out

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